311 - Amber

Una de esas canciones que me hacen sentir tranquilo. El video me hace dar ganas de vivir al borde del mar...

take me away from the norm
I got to tell you something
this phenomenon
I had to put it in a song
and it goes like

Whoa, amber is the color of your energy
whoa, shades of gold displayed naturally
you ought to know what brings me here
you glide through my head blind to fear
and I know why
whoa, amber is the color of your energy
whoa, shades of gold displayed naturally

Whoa, amber is the color of your energy
whoa, shades of gold displayed naturally

You live too far away
your voice rings like a bell anyway
don't give up your independence
unless it feels so right
nothing good comes easily
sometimes you gotta fight

Whoa, amber is the color of your energy
whoa, shades of gold displayed naturally
launched a thousand ships in my heart, so easy
still it's fine from afar, and you know that
whoa, brainstorm take me away from the norm
whoa, I got to tell you something

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He dedicado más de 10 años a la investigación transdisciplinaria conenfoque holístico. Me desempeño como Coach de Transformación Espiritual y consultor de emprendimiento desde y hacia el propósito personal.