Depeche Mode - Nodisco

I saw you in the picture
I saw you play the part
This ain't nodisco

There's a thousand watching you
You take this too far
This ain't nodisco

Sometimes when I wonder if you're taking a chance
This ain't nodisco and you know how to dance

Move me disco, baby don't you let go
This ain't nodisco

Part one act one
Everyone pretend
This ain't nodisco

This is more a story
And we're reaching the end
This ain't nodisco

Always makes me happy when you're taking a chance
This ain't nodisco and you know how to dance.

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Portada del primer álbum de Depeche Mode.

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He dedicado más de 10 años a la investigación transdisciplinaria conenfoque holístico. Me desempeño como Coach de Transformación Espiritual y consultor de emprendimiento desde y hacia el propósito personal.